![]() My disclaimer here is that I have no religious affiliation. I do however love history and stories. A couple years ago I purchased a book for Jamie's birthday and it is a most interesting read. "The God Tree" by Janis Fry & Allen Meredith. It is a history of the yew tree and its connection to legends and actual events throughout our past. And definitely has a different perspective on some stories that we take for granted. One of these is the story of when Jesus was killed and of his resurrection. Please note that this book has extensive references and you almost have to read the whole book as so much relates to one another. (For instance they spend a couple chapters explaining why the Tree of Life is a Yew tree, then this is the understanding for the rest of the book.) The first glaringly different idea that they present (though not the first to do so) is that Jesus was hung on a Yew tree - not nailed to a cross. Apparently, the original scriptures of the old testament state that to fulfill the phropecies the Messiah was to hang on the tree. Interesting note here is from Gerald Massey in his book "Ancient Egypt. The Light of the World". In it he states that in Hebrew, Messiah is actually MesIah. Mes is from the Babylonion texts for Tree of Life and Iah is a short name for God. There is a legend that when Adam was buried three seed were placed in his mouth and a branch was planted on his grave. This branch grew into the tree at Golgatha (Gagultâ) where Jesus was hung. And that this was a yew tree and also the tree (or one of them) that Moses took his burning branch from. These prophecies were in reference as to how the original sin/curse of Adam & Eve taking the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge was to be lifted. It is stated that the ritual Jesus chose - to be hung on a tree - was to lift the original curse (sin) . The authors reference the Dead Sea Scrolls (150BC - 200 AD) "for he who is hanged on the tree is accursed of God and men...". Meaning that Jesus was making this ultimate sacrifice to be seen as accursed to lift the curse off mankind (not to die for their future sins). There is also a move from the known story in the suggestion that it was actually the Sanhedrin (Jewish priesthood) were the ones to oversee and carryout this ritual hanging, in accordance with Jewish law. Jesus was considered guilty of treason by the Sanhedrin, as he refused to follow some of the Jewish laws (like the stoning of women), was guilty of blasphemy by claiming to be the son of God and was seen to be working against their religion. From the Qumran Temple Scrolls (200BC) "If a man guilty of a capital offence is put to death and his body is hung on a tee, you must not leave his body on the tree overnight." ![]() Joseph of Aramathea - who had knowledge of medicinal plants - and Nicodemus - who was a physician - were part of the Sanhedrin. One or both of them were involved in the removal of his body and taking it to the tomb. The authors suggest that it is very likely Jesus was given 'soma' or an elixir of life, made from the flesh of the yew tree berries (the only non-toxic part of the tree) and the sap of the yew and that this would have given him "the appearance of death, that is to say, it would induce the pulse to slow down so that any signs of lie would be indiscernible". And therefor his resurrection days later would have been known to Jesus and his helpers. Peter: "Why must you go, they will surely have you pout to death" Jesus: "Have you not heard, have you not understood Moses and the burning bush? Have you not understood the story of Jonah and the Whale? The authors put forward that it was during the of the Roman Constantine that the story of Jesus being hung on a tree was changed to a crucifixion on a piece of wood. This was because of the powerful connection to other gods hung in trees. References to other Gods hung on trees and resurrected - Nommo (God of Ancient Egypt); Esus (God of Gauls); Odin (Norse God); Tammuz (Babylonian & Sumerian God); Ninhursag (Summerian Goddess); Attis (Phrygian God). And that this is also the time the cross as a symbol for Christianity was introduced.
A couple interesting references. The first from "The Dream of the Holy Rood": He who once suffered on the gallows tree Declare in words 'this is the tree of glory' And heavens King exalted me above all the other trees, Just as almighty God I lay there watching the Saviour's tree. And from "The Leaves of Light" (a ballad for oral tradition): All under the leaves and the leaves of light, I met with virgins seven, And one of them was Mary mild, our Lord's first Mother in Heaven Oh where are you going you seven pretty maids, all under the leaves of light? Oh we are going, Thomas they said - Seeking for a friend of thine And they went down into yonder town - And sat in the gallery And there they saw sweet Jesus Christ hanging from a big Yew Tree. There is so much more to this book that is so very intriguing - the Secrets of the Grail, origins of Gods, staff carriers, and how these (and much more) connect to the Yew tree. If you can find a copy, worth a read!
4/16/2017 02:12:58 pm
Very interesting article but there is one problem with this article- The yew tree does not grow at the area of Israel.
8/17/2017 05:35:52 am
Thank you for your article
Amanda York Jones anguish
5/16/2020 01:59:16 pm
Yes and also the names Peter, Paul, Mary ect we’re not the names of people in Israel either!!!
lewis campbell
10/1/2022 03:13:02 pm
True... but 2000 years ago the nature of the region was more conducive to its growth than, vs the desert like regions we see today. Not pushing the myth... just saying the tree could have grown there then.
11/17/2023 10:50:42 am
The Yew tree will not grow in Israel now because God made that area of the world desolate because of the demonic religions. That land flourished with plant life in earlier Biblical times.
8/8/2024 04:43:55 pm
Yes, but there are so many scientific reports that this is one of the most toxic trees. Please don’t recommend people eat the berries from them because actually there’s a medical journal that reported that children died on Christmas morning when they ingested those so don’t be bullied by everything that you read, also Puppies can die from it. They found 67 Caribou Dead that ingested yew Taxus Baccata , . Also Puppies can die from it. They found 67 Elk & Caribou that ingested it. It’s time to rewrite your book and then also. They also said that the man that murdered Jesus was born underneath of line and that pagan people worship it, but it’s actually poisonous so what are people believing in? Honestly , I wouldn’t want my animals swallowing this all parts of the tree are toxic. Sometimes people say the berries are not but then children that at them died so do not let your children eat the berries and do not let your animals swallow this plant and do not try to sleep next to it or you might not wake up the next day. May God bless us all ! F ~ yew !Hoo (hoo) hoo to quote C Lo Green .
Jenna Fickes
8/8/2024 07:16:18 pm
Hi April,
4/16/2017 10:14:17 pm
Hi Jenna,
Wanda Griffioen
4/17/2017 07:56:20 am
Well reguardless of the practical people and religious side I love that you shared this ..iI think its interesting and it makes us all think a bit more about where we put our faith
Thanks Wanda. This story & book definitely make me think further about the origins of many of our assumptions!
Nathaniel of Israel too
10/20/2018 05:16:38 pm
Wonder if any of you connected 'yew'-IEW with JEW or YeHuD
6/19/2019 08:41:56 pm
Yew Is Of Yew Em And ABBA Children Of Yisreal
Noah York
7/27/2020 04:20:19 pm
My name "translated?" "The Resting Yew" or "the Burdened Yew".
8/6/2020 11:00:24 pm
My fathers last name York means Yew. Thank you for all this great information!
8/17/2022 08:22:19 am
Ahhhhhh the asleep will choose to stay asleep.... if the "orthodox went through the trouble of changing the story from being hung on a yew tree, they would have also gone through the trouble of burning every last yew tree in that area. With them holding the historical accounts of their own nation's flora they could have had omitted it from their books to allow time to take to bury the truth. Also, I am quite thrilled after reading this post, you are the first blog I've come across who has theorized that Jesus didn't die for our future sins, he just broke the invisible fettered chains that held our divinity down, giving us a real chance at free will. So thank you.
1/23/2023 06:37:13 am
I completely agree it is logical. The cutting down of the yews happened later in Europe as well. Just the fact that the Yggdrasil clearly is said to be evergreen..which the ash is not.. It shows there is a real coverup here.
11/18/2022 01:23:39 am
Jesus ben Pandera was hung on a tree around 75BC for disagreeing with the Sanhedrin for Romanizing Jerusalem with the calender of Holy Days. He was an Essene. This act caused Rome to place a goverener and strip them of being able to do capital punishment. This is why they had to implore to Pilot in the case of the Nazarene. Before Pandera, they would have just stoned Him. Ever wonder why they did not throw all those stones they picked up and why they feared John, an Essene so much? Sounds like the authors are trying to backdoor Pandera's story in without offending but hoping you research it. This can all be found in the Babylonian Talmud, the Zohar. Roman history too. Im.sure there's a wiki page on Jesus ben Pandera. Iesus Crios is another. He is on the Roman pillar as one of the Celtic Trinity. Problem is, everyone thinks this person stole the story from that without putting their ego aside to see, its the same shared story, you are just trusting in a date...a date you are told but have 0 proof of.
9/3/2023 04:45:36 am
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April 2017